Friday, September 26, 2008
Today is my last day working for the Lutheran Church! That's right, folks, no more pulling my hair out all day because the pastor's kids won't stop screaming and wailing and he won't pay attention to them. No more awkward people divulging random and/or irrelevant information to me completely unprovoked. No more bored Lutherans complaining because I forgot to capitalize some word in the liturgy this week. No more spending my days in a hundred year old building that smells just slightly of mold. And I'd like to be able to say no more ignorant people spelling my name "Rachael", even after being repeatedly corrected, but I know better than that.
Starting Monday, I'm going to be working at a childcare center. I wasn't actually looking for a new job, but God literally dropped the opportunity into my lap, and I got hired on the spot. I'm not sure if they've decided what age group to put me with, or what my days are going to look like, or even exactly how much I'm going to be paid... come to think of it, I'm not sure of a lot of things. But I am sure that the Lord arranged this, so it's hard to be worried about it.
The Pastor brought me a going away present. A bottle of Great Divide IPA, which I don't really like (I'm more of a Guinness girl), but it was a very nice gesture. Stephen says I should put some food coloring in it when I drink it, and make comments like, "This chocolate stout tastes suspiciously like a pale ale."
Oh, the excitement!
YAY!!!! No more pulling your hair out! I'm so excited for you. It sounds like the perfect job for you. Yay for the return of Ms. Rachel!
But this time I'm not teaching any kids to say "Lazy, lazy miss Rachel". That was a learning moment for me.
I bet the thing you are most looking forward to is the first time you get peed on by a child that has been only recently potty "trained." I am not sure I could think of another scenario where we allow a person to be considered as "trained" when they are truly just amateurs. Maybe the first time we take training wheels off a child's bike and then let go of the bike seat for first time. Or at a corporation where they put you at a desk and say, "get to work." "Get to work at what?" "Balance how?" "Aim where?"
Hip-hip-hooray! Of course I've been excited about this opportunity for a couple of weeks. I think it's great, and I know you will have a blast doing something you really enjoy!
(Stephen- wow, that's pretty great)
Yay, I'm really happy for you! And Guiness... my husband is a fan too. :)
Stephen- so very wise!
Best wishes for your new job!
God rocks hard. I have realized just how hard recently! BTW, Alicia and I got pints of Guniess at an Irish pub for her birthday last night. It was very fun. CONGRATULATIONS!
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