Wednesday, November 05, 2008

On Our New President

Everyone is freaking out about Obama having won the presidency.  Some people are "yayy!!!" freaking out, and some people are "apocolypse" freaking out.  But everyone I know has some kind of very strong emotion about it.  Except me... I didn't get emotionally invested in this election, and I didn't fully decide to vote for McCain until a few weeks ago, so today is mostly another day.  I'm not a political person.

So if you voted for Obama, congratulations!  You may bathe in the glow of your victory.  Mostly I'm not talking to you, though.  Just try not to be too mean to those of us who didn't vote for him.

And if you voted for McCain, mourn for just a little while, wallow in your disappointment for a short time, and....  get over it.  Life goes on, and if you are a believer like I am, than you ought to know that God can use whoever He wants to.  You should also know that while you may live in America, you should consider yourself a citizen of another world, and that's where your treasure is, not here.

Start today by harnessing the power of your tongue that the Bible talks so abundantly about and speak life, not death.  Speak encouragement and blessing.  The power of life and death is in your tongue, so use it to do something other than complaining.  Plus, it will make you feel a lot better.  Really!  It will!

I heard someone say once that Christians in this country think they're being persecuted if they don't get "their president" elected.  I'd really like to believe we're not that selfish.  I, for one, am going to move in the opposite spirit and praying for abundant life in Barack Obama's household.  Join me!


Melissa said...

This is a great post and a great reminder. Like you, I did not vote for Obama, but none of that matters now. He is our president and he needs our prayers for wisdom, strength, and protection.

StephenH said...

Is it OK if I just say "amen" ?

Amy said...

My feelings exactly. I also didn't care a whole lot about who won but there are some very opinionated people here on campus. Most of them are rejoicing, but I have heard that in the dorms some were running up and down the halls yelling such lovely frases as "f*** Obama". So ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, babe. Honestly, I was a bit down today even though I slept through most of it last night and God gave me a lovely dream sometime between 5:45 and 8:45pm. But there's no reason to be down, even though I prefer the more moderate, centrist (they do believe in something!) democrats like Carter and all those great old men of the past. Billy Graham will still offer his support of any president and so should we with prayers for wisdom, blessing, etc. Graham's a registered Democrat who loved Nixon. Just a bit of interesting trivia.

RachelRenae said...

Stephen: I'd rather that!

Jen: I think you mean "Graham WAS..." He passed away a few months ago, I believe.

RachelRenae said...

but a great point.

Lisa said...

Yea I told everyone, who ever wins the election is exactly who God place into the position. I think it is funny when people try to act like God didn't plan that. Like He is in Heaven saying "Oh Crap! I was gonna do great things for this country but too many people voted for Obama" Get a grip people!