Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Am I Good Enough?

I've mentioned that I'm working on my business, but I don't think I've written about what I'm doing. My hope is to develop a business doing commissioned portraits. You give me a photograph, and I draw it, essentially. It's something I've always been good at and something I've always been passionate about. It's pretty wild to think that in high school I spent an unsettling majority of my time drawing, and now people would pay me money (real money!) for my work.

My first step is to build my portfolio, partly to have something to show off to potential customers, and partly to figure out how long it takes me to complete a piece. As I'm working on my portfolio, I'm realizing I need to challenge myself to do much more detailed work than I have before. My audience is no longer myself and whoever I might show my sketchbook to. Now I'm drawing for people who know the subject intimately- a mother, a husband, whatever. In other words, I'm going to be doing work that will be subject to a much more critical and discerning eye. Right now, my drawing is probably good enough to impress most people. But is it good enough that a mother will look at it and see her child? Or will she see a face that looks nice but just isn't quite right?

Honestly, I have doubts from time to time if I'm good enough to produce art for that audience. And it's scary to put so much of yourself on a piece of paper and then "put it out there" to be criticized and possibly rejected. This is so new for me and I just don't know what to expect. But the more time I spend on a piece, the better it gets. The more hours I spend working every week, the better my work gets. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to develop my skills and bring them to a new level of maturity.


Amy said...

Of course your good enough! your drawing is amazing! But I might be a little biassed. I'm trying to think of some helpful little hint, but as you have been drawing longer than I have, and I think we're at about the same level when it comes to this portraits, I'm not really coming up with anything. As for being timid about showing off your work, I understand that completely. Very few people get the priviledge of seeing my sketchbook, and most of those get a carefully guided tour.
love you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy except that I think your drawing is WAY better than mine. You are getting so good, advancing each day and I know you have what it takes...but right now you mostly have to have...patience.

Melissa said...

I don't know your work yet, Rachel, but I do know regret. If you feel that this is what God has for you and you have desire and passion for it- do it!!! I know, easier said than do, right? Please don't let your joy be stolen out of self-doubt. Nurture and hone your gifts, and don't forget to share them with us. :)

Anonymous said...

And keep writing about it! You're multi-talented. :-)

RachelRenae said...

Amy: :) I feel honored to have seen so much of your sketchbook! Maybe it's because of your bias for me though.

Husband Heath: WHAT?!?? You're commenting now? CriZAZY. And thank you. Since patience is something I have in abounding measure...

Melissa: THANK YOU. I really needed that. What have I got to lose, right? I'll definitely be posting some work soon.

Jen: You make me smile, dear.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Post some, I'd love to look at them.