Monday, January 08, 2007
If you are unfortunate enough to live in one of the 20-or-so states that does not have chipotle locations, I am deeply sorry for you. Chipotle is based in Denver and there's locations throughout the city (in fact, I ate regularly for a few years at the very first Chipotle opened in Denver). Now I'm lucky enough to work within walking distance of one (on California St.), so I order my lunch online and go pick it up a few blocks from the office. When you place an online order, Chipotle sends a confirmation email including the location they sent your order to.
This cracks me up every time. Apparently my lunch is headed to the west coast- it may only take 10-15 minutes for them to receive the order, but it's going to take me considerably longer to get halfway across the country and pick it up. Not very convenient for me. Hey Thom, if you happen to come across my burrito, would you send it back my way?
By the way, Chipotle is pronounced Chi-POTE-lay. Also, please say "espresso", rather than expresso". And it's "especially", not "expecially". I think that's it. Thank you for your cooperation. Together we can raise the national IQ a few points.
If I see some errant Mexican food around, I'll let you know. And, interestingly enough, we're getting our first Chipotle by the summer. It was very big business news around here (since the restaurant won a liquor license over Trader Joe's, which people here are clammoring for). I live on Sacramento Drive; think they'll send my order 145 miles south to the capitol?
Hahaha! Hey, chipotle is really, really good. If going to Sacramento is what it takes, I say: Do It!
I have one to add: "supposedly," instead of, "supposebly."
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